Education – Links
Les Petits Trésors: an innovative nursery in the 19th run by our collaborator, Sophie, who was the first teacher at Living School. A nourishing environment for the tiniest tots.
Green Generations: an innovative ecological community center in the Bronx, New York, founded by collaborator, Adrienne, who was the pillar of our English program for three years.
La Ferme européenne des enfants: a magical place to spend your vacation surrounded by nature, children from all over the world, and music.
La Ferme des enfants: a school founded by Sophie Bouquet-Rabhi at le Hameau des Buis, an intergenerational ecovillage. Montessori pedagogy.
L’école des Amanins: L’école du Colibri, inspired by the philosophy of Pierre Rabhi, is situated in the ecovillage des Amanins. To discover pedagogy in action, watch the film by Anne Barth: « What children will we leave the planet ? »
Le Printemps de l’éducation: an education network started by Antonella Verdiani, who wanted to share the importance that joy plays in education.
Pedagooogia3000: Noemi Paymal, a French anthropologist, is interested in today’s children and the importance of providing them an education adapted to thier time. Discover Noemi Paymal through photos
Learning World-WISE: a short television program focused on innovative pedagogy from all over the world. Produced by WISE and Euronews.
TED: short, passionate conferences designed to showcase great ideas that deserve to be shared widely. Check out, for example, Ken Robinson’s conference on why schools kill creativity
Réseaux d’Echanges Réciproques de Savoirs, created by Claire Héber-Suffrin, to « learn a bit of everything, from everyone »
André Giordan, author of Learn! and A different school for our children, specialist on teaching how to learn.
L’association REVEIL, Renovate School by Promoting Local Initiatives.
Les Enfantastiques: a project started by Mr. No, a creative, generous, and very kind singer. Songs written and sung by children for children. An educational, artistic project that promotes citizenship and solidarity.
Créer son école: a website full of useful advice and resources to start your own independant school.
L’enfant et la Vie: a magazine to accompany parents on the path towards a respectful, fulfilling education for their children.
Maxicours, a website for studies and tutoring, 100% online.
Education – Books
Editions pour penser a l’endroit : collections of tales, nursery rhymes and storybooks that approach important topics such as death, happiness, positive thinking, confidence, and the little voice inside of you…. children)
Catherine Dolto : the daughter of Francoise Dolto, Catherine has written numerous books for Giboulees and Gallimard Jeunesse on themes such as anger, death, violence, fear, siblings etc (for children)
Gigi the giraffe (in the land of animals, in the cold land) by Alberto Benevelli and Loretta Serofilli : stories about non-violent communication (for children)
Grosse colère by Mireille d’Alancé (for children)
La fessée and Oui la nature humaine est bonne by Olivier Maurel
Dolto expliquée aux parents by Jean-Claude Liaudet
Au coeur des émotions de l’enfant by Isabelle Filliozat
Mon enfant n’est pas un coeur de cible by Philippe Desbordes
Relaxations créatives pour les enfants by Nathalie de Peretti
Ecole, changer de cap : a must read piece about the changes that are essential for a more human centered education.
Trois tasses de thé by Greg Mortenson
Life enriching education and Teaching Compassionately by Marshall Rosenberg
Libres enfants de Summerhill by Alexandre S. Neill
Occuper ses enfants en voyage by Anne Delacour (mother of a once-Living School student)