Health – Links
Nos cantines pour la planète, a collective that Living School is a member of and whose mission is to effectively transform school meals and to lead a responsable, organic school lunch program that doesn’t generate excessive costs.
“Créer la Vitalité” : an ethical, innovate business specialized in the promtion of health and vitality. Véronique Chabernaud is a partner of Living School and the health advisor of our school.
“Food’Joie” : an ethical business that promotes food in service of life by offering counciling, coaching, and training. Elodie, a partner of Living School, leads Food’Joie workshops for the children at our school.
Inpes, National Insitute of Health Education and Prevention
Réseau Proteus, a health website that includes information on both conventional and alternative/complementary medecine.
Bien en vie, a website full of resources to promote positive change in our relationship with ourselves, eachother, the environment, society, etc.
Mouvement et apprentissage, a website where you will find energy and body movement techniques that will help you to rediscover the pleasure of learning and of living.
Health – Books
Santé, mensonge et propagande by Thierry Souccar and Isabelle Robard
Guérir et Anticancer by David Servan-Schreiber
Toxic by William Reymond
Nous sommes ce que nous mangeons, Jane Goodall
Manger bio, c’est pas du luxe, Lilian le Goff
Health – DVD
Nos enfants nous accuseront by Jean-Paul Jaud
Le monde selon Monsanto by Marie-Monique Robin
Notre Poison quotidien by Marie-Monique Robin
Les moissons du futur by Marie-Monique Robin
We feed the world by Erwin Wagenhofer
Notre Pain Quotidien by Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Food Inc by Robert Kenner
Supersize me by Morgan Spurlock