Enrollment process and Fees

There are few places left for September 2024 in Primary and Secondary School.

Discover our school through 6 short videos :


You would like to enroll your child at Living School? Please do the following:

  1. Fill out the pre-enrollment form giving special attention to the “Motivation” section, which will help us to get to know you better. Please leave your email address. You will then receive our fees. Be careful to validate your request at the end of the process: you will then receive a confirmation email. This contains a code allowing you to make further modifications if needed.
  2. Upon receipt of your pre-registration, you will receive an email with a video of our Open House to watch.
  3. Once you watched the video, we ask families with deep interest to confirm motivations by email.
  4. The team will meet - depending on the number of places available - families with  motivations aligned with our pedagogy. An interview takes place at the school with the parents and the child. It allows you to get to know our team and discover the school.
  5. If the interview is positive for you and for us, we will send you a registration file.
  6. Enrollment is considered final upon receipt of the complete enrollment application and deposit.


There are many of you attempting to reach us, and the entire team is dedicated to teaching and to academic activity. We cannot take all calls. Please send all questions regarding school registration to Audrey administration@livingschool.fr

Note: if your family annual income is less than €30,000 you are eligible for a grant, within the limits of available funds. Simply follow the registration process described above, and explain that you meet the grant eligibility criteria.

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